All glory to the Hypnotoad!
23rd to 25th of May, 2014
Mojoconf 2014 in Oslo, Norway, will have one day of training, one day of conference and one day of hackathon. The core Mojo team will be there and bring you awesomeness beyond limits. Get your shiny metal ass to Oslo to learn about Mojolicious!
This conference is for Perl people of all levels, but prepare to level up!
The conference is over. Thank you all for making this the most successful Mojolicious conference in the history of mankind.
About Mojolicious
Mojolicious is a real-time web framework for the Perl programming language. It keeps up to date with the HTTP, WebSockets, HTML and JSON specifications so you can focus on implementing the core business logic. Everything else Just Works.
Read more about Mojolicious on the official website.
Latest news
30/05/14 Mojoconf presentations on YouTube
We have created a Google+ profile and YouTube channel for the conference presentations. Most of the presentations are already uploaded, but there are some waiting for confirmation.
If your don't know what happened with your presentation, then please let us know and we will try to fix it.
We want to say thank you to NUUG, which made it possible to record and distribute the presentations.
The YouTube edit of the videos were created with perl + avconv + imagemagick.
24/05/14 Mojoconf 2014 is done; What about 2015?
Next year, we'd love to see another Mojoconf organized!
To help this happen, the Mojoconf 2014 organizers donate €2000 to the next year's organizers. If you would like to organize it, state your interest publicly in the #mojo IRC channel on; The Mojolicious core team gets to figure out who wins the honor! :)
Thanks for a great conference, and we hope to see everyone at the hackathon on Sunday, and if not; then at next year's Mojoconf!
The venue is sponsored by y3o. It is located in the center of Oslo, five minutes walk from the central station.